Road Map Information

This is an overview of features we want for Early Access. These Milestones will not take an equally long amount of time, and not all planned features are included here. After milestone is finished, we might still improve or expand upon those features in the future.

Starmancer Roadmap

*Disclaimer:* We routinely forget to update the Roadmap.
If it really really bothers you, you can tell us about it in our Discord.

Engine Overhaul

Since after the Kickstarter, we’ve redesigned Starmancer from the ground up. You can read about it here.
The redesign has affected all of our release dates, but the new Starmancer is much more flexible, moddable, and sustainable.

We know that you want to play a complete Starmancer as soon as possible. We want that too.
But we won’t rush to release a release a half-finished or rushed game.