18 Dec 2017 - 01 Jan 2018

This is another short list, because of the holidays

[Actor System]
    1.) Added Actor System. All actor actions in the Actor System can automatically be found.
    2.) All actor scripts can be found in "Component/Actor System"
    3.) Added colonist actor actions for: speech bubbles, thought bubbles, animations, rotating, stopping, walking (goto), and carrying.    
    4.) Added MoveObjectActorAction
    1.) Emergency beacon is now a red alert object
    2.) Door animator now initializes to closed
    3.) Added gib death animation to the colonists (internally)
    4.) Colonists now have a 50% chance to explode when they are killed by bullets.
    5.) Added Fiddle, Reading, and Wavining colonist animations (internally)


20 Nov 2017 - 15 Dec 2017

The past few weeks have been full of holiday things, so it just made more sense to wrap the changelog into one normal sized post instead of 3 small posts.

This post still seems small, but that's because we upgraded to Unity 2017.2 (from 5.5) and I had to spend a lot of time optimizing unit tests. Unit test performance in Unity 5.6 and above is terrible. We went from about 4 seconds to run all tests to over a minute. 


    1.) FluxWallSides are now refreshed in the lighting when they're enabled
    2.) WallObjects now refresh themselves in lighting when placed.
    3.) Colonists are now refreshed when changing job outfits.
    4.) External doors are now lit correctly.
    5.) Removed light intensity decrease on dynamic lights, because it wasn't being used
    6.) Colonists are now lit correctly when walking through doors.

    1.) Adjusted door shader so that it's lit when doors are being placed.
    2.) Organized shaders so that the ones we actually use are easier to find.
    3.) Implemented custom categories for the build menu.
    4.) Billboard is now a Red Alert Object
    5.) Walls can now use palettes
    6.) Removed hot key from red alert button
    7.) Added a unique solar system body prefab for all body types.
    8.) Solar system bodies can now use the palette system.
    9.) Added MaxPaletteIndex to the solarSystemStats file.  
    10.) Upgraded to Unity 2017.2

    1.) Doors are now lit correctly when the player builds a room within another room
    2.) Fixed a bug where floors weren't self lit when template objects
    3.) Fixed a bug where adjacent corner floors would include the non-corner.
    4.) Fixed a bug where lights would stay off if a colonist died while sleeping.
    5.) Fixed a bug where replacing a disabled floor would throw a lighting error.

13 Nov 2017 - 17 Nov 2017


1.) All BuildableObjects are now added to their room light source when created.
2.) Floors are now correctly refreshed when they're replaced with another floor (and when their tile pieces are changed)
3.) Doors are now lit correctly once placed (there was an issue with the automatic door rotation)
4.) Room lights are now RedAlertObjects (and the animations are called when appropriate)
5.) Dynamic Rooms are now only created/changed for the relevant rooms (so a room far away won't be affected at all)
6.) Lights now transition when rooms are merged (which happens when you delete a wall)



1.) Added a script for changing multiple palette indices at the same time.
2.) Added a script for changing multiple material offsets at the same time.
3.) AnimationMaterialOffset now has 2 animation events: Start and Stop. The material offset will constantly refresh between these events (much less performance intensive)
4.) Removed "MaterialToUse" in AnimationMaterialOffset. The material index will now always be used.

1.) Fixed a bug where corner wall pieces were not correctly added to DynamicRooms when there was a 1x1 floor in a room.
2.) Walls will now be self-lit before being placed.

06 Nov 2017 - 10 Nov 2017

    1.) Room lights are now dynamically created as floors/walls are placed/removed
    2.) Improved lights that are created when doors are opened.
    3.) Improved performance of refreshing lights (specifically, the lights no longer find all near objects when only their color/intensity is changed)
    4.) Added scene validator for LightLookup script.
    5.) Wall objects are now lit properly
    6.) Wall objects that go through walls (vents) are now properly lit
    7.) Lights now dim when all colonists leave a room.
    8.) Lights turn off when all colonists in a room go to sleep.
    9.) RoomLight source is now a prefab, and has an animator
    1.) The scene validator will now select the gameobjects causing issues in the project view.
    2.) Emission values are now looked up in the lighting part of the shaders, so that it's consistent across all shaders.
    3.) Created a lit sprite shader (that isn't a palette)
    1.) Fixed a bug where dynamic light intensity would become negative after traveling through several objects.
    2.) Resource crates are now refreshed in lighting when placed.
    3.) Fixed a bug where sprite emission values weren't looked up correctly
    4.) Wall objects that go through objects are now added to both wall sides.
    5.) Fixed a bug where shadow dimensions weren't rotated when their parent objects were rotated

30 Oct 2017 - 03 Nov 2017

1.) Disabled batching on door shader
2.) Door Wall Sides are now lit correctly when using ambient lights.

1.) Added a boolean toggle for shadows on lighted objects.

2.) If no shadow dimensions are specified, the dimensions will be based off of the object's model (no shadows can ever be bigger than the source model. The purpose is to be able to make the shadows smaller)

3.) The lighted object's material is automatically changed to the relevant shadow material in the object's Awake.

4.) Added a pivot offset to objects that have a non-zero pivot (like chairs, and sinks)

1.) Objects now have an Emission map. The higher that the emission value is, the more that the object will be self-lit.

2.) Added a float "emission intensity." Emission value equals emission map * intensity. So an intensity of 1.0 would be 100% of emission map. This is used to fade out self-lit objects.

1.) Visual Effect GameObjects will now use the same NullGameObject for MouseOver and MouseOverDelete gameobjects.

02 Oct 2017 - 27 Oct 2017

We were working on Kickstarter trailers, among other things, for the past 3 weeks.

That's mostly over now, so we'll be back to actually making Starmancer.

    1.) There are 3 types of lights: Ambient, Dynamic, Light.
    2.) Ambient lights are essentially just a tint. They color everything that they touch equally.
    3.) Dynamic lights are basically overhead lamps / spotlights. The further from the light source, the less that the light affects vertices
    4.) Room lights are ambient lights that can color an entire room at once (a room is a series of connected floors, and could be almost any shape.)
    5.) Added unlit sprite billboard material (for skybox and UI)
    6.) A light source will be created when doors are opened (and if both sides of the door have different lights acting on them.) This creates the illusion of light appearing from the open door.

    1.) Added acceleration to the Panning Camera
    2.) Added a shader for Hologram Objects (after being placed by the player, but before colonists start construction)
    3.) Added toggle for full screen game window. Go to tools > toggle full screen.
    4.) Implemented better animations for getting on/off ships.
    5.) Added a non-pirate helmet
    6.) Added dev mode commands for ignoring atmosphere (including atmosphere spreading and colonists requiring oxygen, heat, and cold)
    7.) Increased unit test performance by about 25%
    1.) SpritePalettes now change materials in the same way that every other script changes materials (this prevents the sprite palettes from incorrectly changing hologram materials after construction)
    2.) Animation material offset will now change the offset when the script is enabled (this fixed some issues with the construction animations)

25 Sep 2017 - 29 Sep 2017

Once again, since we're working on the Kickstarter we'll have a bit less time for actual development.


1.) Floors will now leak atmosphere if there's an opening to space

1.) Implemented the chef outfit (I'm really not sure how there wasn't a specific chef outfit. I guess I never noticed.)

2.) The skybox now slowly rotates

3.) Implemented dialogue pop-up box.

4.) Factions now have random avatar portraits (these are supposed to be the faction "spokesperson"

5.) Added PaletteMeshAlphaCutoffShader.

6.) Implemented a camera pan mode.

7.) Floors can now use the PaletteChanger that walls use.

8.) Colonists will now walk in straight lines for as long as possible and they'll always try to walk on their right hand side (but they'll always always use the shortest route)

9.) Increased flow rate of gas and temperature in the atmosphere.

18 Sep 2017 - 22 Sep 2017

Development will be a bit slow for the next few weeks, while we work on the Kickstarter, but it won't completely stop


    1.) DeleteWall and DeleteInfrastructure cursors are now forced step in 2x2.
    2.) Added security posters to build menu
    3.) Adjusted power levels of various machines
    4.) Resized cafeteria chairs to 85,85,85
    5.) Added "Comment" script. For all your GameObject commenting needs.
    6.) Implemented first pass of construction animations.
    1.) Fixed a bug where resource producer "lacking power" warning was not displayed on Machine_GameObjects that didn't require power
    2.) Fixed a bug where pirates would try to fight turrets (this sounds, epic, but the pirates thought that the turret was another colonist)
    3.) Added SceneValidation for Cursor transform.